Microbiome Symposium - Commercial Sponsorship Packages
The 5th annual Front Range Microbiome Symposium will be held Friday, April 25th at the CSU Spur Campus, Hydro Confluence Theater, located on National Western Drive in Denver. We offer several unique sponsorship opportunities that can help promote your company and its products. See sponsorship level descriptions below.
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Available Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Sponsor - $5,000
•Prominent logo placement and session sponsorship at FRMS
•Sponsorship on the first page of FRMS website
•Six complimentary registration tickets to both days of FRMS
Along with the core benefits listed above, you may choose to sponsor one of the following exclusive options to further enhance your presence at the symposium:
-Presentation at the tech workshop
-Sponsorship at Thursday mixer event
-Sponsorship of the award ceremony and reception after the symposium
-Sponsorship of lightening talks, contributed talks, and poster talks
Gold Sponsor - $2,500
•Prominent logo placement and session sponsorship at FRMS
•Sponsorship logo on the first page of FRMS website
•Premier booth space at FRMS poster session
•Four complimentary registration tickets to both days of FRMS
Silver Sponsor - $1,000
•Sponsorship logo posted on the FRMS website
•Complimentary booth space at FRMS poster session
•Two complimentary registration tickets to both days of FRMS
Contact us to explore if this partnership is a good fit for you. Plus, enjoy two complimentary registration tickets for both days of FRMS. Please contact: Tiffany.Weir@colostate.edu or Jessica.Metcalf@colostate.edu
If you prefer to pay by check or have any questions, please reach out to ReJean.Allen@Colostate.edu
After completing the sections on this page and clicking -Add to Cart- return to the top of the page and click on Shopping Cart, it will redirect you to our department payment page. (The Microbiome Symposium will show up in the description box.)